LUOlight unfolds its full lighting potential with its integrated CBU-PWM4 controller. This module is just like tailer- made for our luminaire system. It addresses each of the four light channels. The compact Casambi device is easily integrated into the slim cross-section of the LUOlight profile. We are therefore especially delighted that our system found its […]
We are very happy that LUOlight found a showroom where it is now installed for customers to experience its various properties. The space is in the former Nordea bank premises in Roihupelto, Helsinki easily reachable by metro or by car. Here you can experience LUO´s different shading options and optical properties as well as configure […]
The current Corona episode has impacted our marketing activities and delayed some of our presentations and installations. But it freed us some time to shoot a video that demonstrates the dynamics in a typical circle installation: The LUOlight modules are connected with a pair of neodymium magnets. The interconnector carriages lock the connection but keep […]
Less can be more. Luo is conceived as a system to enable large lighting configurations. In our most recent installation in an apartment in Eira, Helsinki the customer suggested a setup that we had not considered before. The installation that is suspended over the dining room table consists of two small arc modules that are […]