Life after Habitare

The Habitare fair, five days of intense interaction with interested visitors, has past. The positive and often enthusiastic feedback exceeded our wildest expectations. We not only got acknowledgment but also constructive ideas on how the system can be complemented and extended to serve even wider needs. We will post updates concerning those ideas very soon.

Now, after the confetti has rained down it’s time to focus on the next steps. We are looking forward to the indicated cooperation with interior designers and architects as well as to the consultations for our private customers. At the same time, we are working to open our web-shop by January 2019. If everything goes by the plan we are opening a limited Pre-Sale of numbered and signed LUO lights before Christmas. If you want to know more please subscribe to our mailing list at the end of this message.

If you did not manage to meet us at Habitare and we caught your interest, please, don’t hesitate to contact us. We are happy to answer your questions. If you have commercial projects coming up we are available to meet you to help you find the best possible lighting solution.

Oliver Walter, Designer